Wednesday, 30 March 2011

City of three religions - Part Three (Christianity)

The last part of the three different cultures and religions I would like to write about is Christianity. As I am catholic myself probably it is easier for me to distinguish different parts of the big church of Christians. The biggest representation of Christians in Jerusalem are Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Catholic Church.

Lots of pilgrims come to this town to follow the steps of Jesus on His last trip - from Olive Mountain all the way to Golgotha (called as well Calvary Hill). Eventhough almost all Via Dolorosa is situated in the Muslim  Quarter you can see many groups of pilgrims of Christians from many countries carrying the big cross, singing and praying on the traditional 14 stations of the Cross. All the way of Via Dolorosa in the muslims shops you can see many items which are dedicated to the christian customers.

In Christian Quarter you can see many monks and priests who came here with their little groups from the local churches around the world.

Via Dolorosa ends at the  Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter

Immediately inside the entrance to the church is the Stone of Unction, which commemorates the preparation of Jesus' body for burial. This limestone slab dates from 1808, when the prior 12th-century slab was destroyed. Ownership of this site has varied over the centuries, but it now belongs to the four main sects: the opulent lamps that hang over the stone slab are contributed by Armenians, Copts, Greeks and Latins.

You can see many people meditating and praying by the stone

Many pilgrims - especially Russian Orthodox come with big bags full of icons, candels, crosses, bottles of water and each of these items is carefully placed on the stone for blessing. I´ve seen even mothers putting on the stone their little babies.

For me the most beautiful and fascinating is the Greek part of the Church with the atmosphere created by lamps and of course with Greek priests who look really devoted to their mission.

Very impressive are as well the ancient crosses carved along the stairs to the Chapel of St. Helen
by centuries of pilgrims. Normally people don´t even notice them. Just when we started to take photos some pilgrims stoped and were taking photos too.

It´s a shame that in this holy place it is very difficult to feel the spiritual atmosphere. There is so many people turists as well as pilgrims that whole place feels like museum rather then a church. The only way for me to really feel like I should feel in this place was to come there in the evening. As Jerusalem starts to empty it´s streets about 6pm - there is not so many people who go to the Old City after all the shops are closed. Beeing almost alone in the church for us was really special.


  1. It is so beautiful seeing it through your lens, Monika.

  2. Thank you Yin Mei for your kind words :)

  3. I love the last photos the most, there is this special warmth that comes from them, you can feel the atmosphere of a sacred place..beautiful!! xx

  4. The last ones are taken in the little churches in Jerusalem. The cross with words of a prayer is from Ethiopian Church and the last cross with candless mirrored in the glass from Russian Church. There is different atmosphere in the small churches - you can feel the presence of God there :) Thank you dear
